Log In | Robinhood® - Sign In to Your Account

Security Best PracticesWhile the login process is the gateway to your Robinhood account, ensuring its security is paramount. Here are some best practices to keep your account safe:a. Strong Passwords:Choose a unique, complex password for your Robinhood account and avoid using the same password across multiple platforms.b. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security. This ensures that even if someone obtains your password, they would still need access to your secondary authentication method.c. Beware of Phishing Attempts:Be cautious of phishing emails or messages claiming to be from Robinhood. Legitimate communications from Robinhood will always come from official channels and will never ask for your password or sensitive information.d. Keep Your Device Secure:Ensure that your mobile device is protected with up-to-date security measures, such as passcodes, biometric authentication, and security patches.